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Bloating, Burping, Nausea, Pain, Heartburn, GI Upset, Constipation or Diarrhea?

Are you troubled by constant GI distress? Do you dread going out to dinner with friends, or dread traveling because of your bowels? Your conventional doctor may have told you that it is something you have to live with for the rest of your life because there is no pill for it. However, as a […]

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Personalized Medicine

One size doesn’t fit all. That is obvious, but in conventional medicine, this is the most common approach! A handful of drugs for high blood pressure are used to treat millions of patients! That doesn’t work! It is why some patients are placed on 2-3 drugs for each condition they have. One pill doesn’t work, […]

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Pain, Anxiety and Depression


We, the citizens of the USA consume 80% of the opioids in the world, with just 4.25% of the world’s population. In April 2020, 60 million new prescriptions were written for anti-anxiety or anti-depression medication. That means 1 in 5 Americans are getting a prescription for pain or emotional issues! We need help now and […]

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Immuno-metabolism is an exciting, burgeoning field connecting your metabolism and your immune system. That is, your body’s blood sugar, diet, Gi hormones, your over all energy balance, metabolizing co-factors, all contribute to a healthy robust immune system that is regulated, efficient and balanced or is contributing to an unbridled, dysregulated, autoimmune, or immune deficient immune […]

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Welcome to Advanced Med LLLP!

Welcome to my blog! On this blog, I will be adding informative content on a regular basis so you can stay up to date with our latest services and treatments at Advanced Med LLLP. Contact us with any questions today!

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